The Greens are having hundreds of conversations with the community - and we need your help. Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Wembley to talk to our community about the issues that matter to them.

We know that one-on-one conversations are the most effective way to win a vote and even if you've never doorknocked before, we'll provide you with all the training and support you'll need.

This election, we have an incredible opportunity to increase the Green vote in our area and put pressure on the major parties to take action on Climate and Housing! 

Every door knocked and every conversation makes a huge difference.

Event Details

Date & Time

Dec 7th, 2024 10:00 AM through to
Dec 7th, 2024 01:00 PM





The Greens are having hundreds of conversations with the community- and we need your help.

 Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Wembley to talk to our Curtin community about the issues that matter to them

Come along for a Morning of doorknocking!    ✊

We will be having chats with people at the doors to learn how the community is reacting too and handling the issues like the current housing and cost of living crisis, environmental concerns and local issues.

You don't need to be a policy expert to have great persuasive conversations.

Everything you need to be an excellent doorknocker will be provided, just bring yourself along! There will be a quick training session before hand, and all new volunteers will be paired up with someone experienced!

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