Get involved in your neighbourhood! We're catching up for a coffee and then we’re knocking on doors in Denmark to talk to our community about the issues that matter to them.
Come along for coffee at The Green Pantry! ✊
Aftewards, Julie and team will be having chats with people at the doors to learn how the community is reacting too and handling the issues like the current housing and cost of living crisis, environmental concerns and local issues.
You don't need to be a policy expert to have great persuasive conversations.
Doorknock starts at 11am if keen!
Everything you need to be an excellent doorknocker will be provided, just bring yourself along! All new volunteers will be paired up with someone experienced!
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A note on accessibility: We welcome volunteers of all abilities, diversity of genders, sexual identities, racial backgrounds, cultures, languages and experiences to join and get involved. Please contact us if you require any reasonable adjustments to feel comfortable or participate in this event fully.
The Green Pantry