Join us at Sullivan Hall in White Gum Valley in the heart of Fremantle with refreshments, guest speakers, and a plan to win!

Join us at Sullivan Hall in White Gum Valley on Sunday, the 14th of July, as we unveil the Greens’ (WA) plan to win Fremantle.

The cost of living is through the roof, landlords and property management companies are squeezing renters, the effects of the climate crisis are being felt all across the state, and the two major parties are both in the pocket of mining companies, fossil fuel interests, and finance capital. 

We need genuine alternatives to the status quo in Parliament to stand up for those of us who don’t have cash to splash on the major parties. 

The Greens (WA) are launching our plan to win in Fremantle, so come along if you’re a member, a volunteer or just someone who is Greens-curious. 

Event Details

Date & Time

Jul 14th, 2024 02:30 PM through to
Jul 14th, 2024 04:30 PM


Sullivan Hall
2 Nannine Avenue


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