Registration is closed for this event

Let's catch up and turn Perth Green together!

This election we only need 1 in 10 people to in Perth to vote Green for the first time and we can kick out the big party machine and get a genuine community representative in Canberra - Sophie!

Our incredible volunteering team have already been campaigning on the ground, and we are only growing in momentum. Whether you're a new volunteer, have been to every doorknock so far, or are just a bit curious, we would love to see you!

Join us at The Brisbane from 5:30pm on Wednesday June 12.

Grab a seat, buy a drink, and let's chat about how we're going to win Perth together?

June 12th, 2024 5:30 PM   through   7:30 PM
292 Beaufort Street
The Brisbane Hotel
Mobile: 0430 587 286