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Join Representatives from the Greens WA and the Community to talk about AUKUS

Join Senator David Shoebridge, Jordon Steele-John, Dorinda Cox and Greens Candidate Sophie McNeill  to talk about how we can get organised in our communities to Stop AUKUS and keep WA nuclear Free

In 2021 Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced AUKUS. A military pact that will see US and UK nuclear submarines in WA waters, nuclear waste stored at Garden Island and an expansion of the US alliance that has seen our community drawn into so many senseless conflicts across the world. 

Since then with support from Anthony Albanese and the Labor Party the deal has ballooned to nearly half a trillon dollars of public funds being diverted to weapons manufacturers and the UK and US governments meanwhile our community is suffering through a cost of lliving crisis. 

These funds could fund universal and accessible free dental care, elimination of HECS debt and millions of new public housing projects but instead the will be in the pockets of corporations like BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce. 

It's not to late to stop this deal and invest in what our communites actually need. 

Join us on Thursday April 4th at 6:30PM for a community town hall on how we can get active to stop AUKUS and instead invest in the programs our community actually needs

April 4th, 2024 6:30 PM   through   8:00 PM
19 Arlington Loop
Coogee Community Centre

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