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The Greens are having hundreds of conversations with the community about the fight to address the housing crisis in WA - and we need your help.

We know that Labor’s answer to the housing crisis, the Housing Australia Future Fund Bill, is the equivalent of throwing a bucket of water on a forest fire: a $10b gamble on the stock market that lost money last year, doesn’t guarantee a cent in funding for new public and affordable housing, and has no protections for renters.

Thanks to our historic Greens community doorknocking campaign across the country, the tide is shifting and the pressure is working. It’s now been reported that even Labor MPs and members are pushing for Federal Labor to adopt our Greens housing policies, including phasing out negative gearing.

It’s outrageous that, in the middle of the worst housing crisis in decades, this federal budget included billions in tax handouts for billionaires yet virtually nothing for renters, and not a single extra cent for public housing construction.

Our message to every Labor MP across the country is this: the Greens will keep knocking on doors until Labor actually negotiates with us in good faith to work together on a plan to tackle the housing crisis.

Labor’s sham of a bill could be reintroduced to the Senate as early as the 12th of June. Will you join our next doorknock to continue to build pressure on the Federal Labor Government?

June 11th, 2023 1:00 PM   through   4:00 PM