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Join Senator for WA Jordon Steele-John and Senator for SA Barbara Pocock for a chat and coffee in Albany

Join Senator for WA Jordon Steele-John and Senator for SA Barbara Pocock for a chat and coffee in Albany 

The sole reason MPs like Jordon and Barbara are in Parliament is to represent the interests of people like you. That means what happens in Parliament should always be a two-way conversation.

But community consultation, feedback and conversation are too often relegated to election periods, even though our community is constantly growing and dealing with different issues.

So I want to hear from you about how you think we can fix it.

Join Jordan and Barbara and Cosi's Cafe at 8am on November 15 for a chat about the issues you want to see addressed in parlaiment.



November 15th, 2022 7:30 AM   through   8:45 AM
3a/141 York Street
Cosi's Café